Industry Expertise Shouldn’t Factor Into Hiring Marketing Talent

Industry Expertise Shouldn’t Factor Into Hiring Marketing Talent

“He has an incredible track record — but only B2C experience, not B2B.”  “Our marketing team would learn so much from her — but she’s never worked in our industry before.”  Sound familiar? These “but” statements are all too common when companies are looking for the right marketing leadership and can lead to passing on…

Want to Put Your Paid Marketing to the Test? Turn It All Off

Want to Put Your Paid Marketing to the Test? Turn It All Off

A little reset goes a long way. Incrementality: the most fashionable word in the mobile app marketers lexicon for five years running. Incrementality is no longer an aspirational objective, it’s table stakes – and for good reason. In an ecosystem brimming with fraud and misattribution, mobile growth and performance marketing teams lean on incrementality testing…

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