In the latest episode of the Growth@Scale podcast, Matt Widdoes welcomes technologist Kurt Dusek to detail the synergy between data technology and corporate scalability. They explore strategic decision-making for tech tools and integration, ensuring companies can harness maximum value. In this episode, Matt and Kurt discuss:

  • Tool Selection: Align your tech tools with company needs and broader tech impacts
  • Vendor Engagement: Build partnerships with ongoing collaboration and shared success
  • Data Priority: Designate a leader for data architecture, treating data as a crucial asset
  • Tech Anticipation: Identifying ‘good enough’ tech to prepare for smoother transitions
  • Robust Architecture: Balance customer and internal metrics within tech architecture

Listen in now to discover strategies for integrating technology with your company’s growth plans.

#TechIntegration #DataDrivenGrowth #ScalableSolutions

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