On the latest episode of Growth@Scale, Matt talks to Brian Sapp, a veteran in gaming growth for a chat about all things User Acquisition.

Here’s a sneak peek of what you’ll learn:

🎯 The NEW Landscape of User Acquisition

Privacy changes are shaking things up! 🛡️

Why brand, creative, and product-market fit are your new best friends. 🤝

📈 Case Study: Disney Emoji Blitz’s Revenue Revolution

How Jam City turned $40M into $100M without changing the game – just the strategy. 💸

The power of looking at ROI through a long-term lens. 🕓

🔮 The Future of UA ROI

Why the obsession with quick payback is costing you in the long run. ⏳

Embracing predictive analytics and risk-taking to convince investors. 📊

🕹️ Behind Rec Room’s Unique Model

UGC, social connections, and cross-platform magic! ✨

How mobile marketing can create a halo effect for VR and console. 🎮

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